Monday, April 23, 2012

Exciting Art News!

Hello everyone!  Remember back in February when I said I'd have some exciting art news to share soon?  Unfortunately, that news came to a screeching halt with my manuscript-theft shenanigans.  But now that I've cleaned up that legal mess, I'm happy to announce that...

I've joined the online art community, deviantArt!

Yes, I've finally crossed off one of those goals from my New Year's resolutions list and taken the plunge into joining an art network! 

If you'd like, you can check out my brand new profile and galleries of artwork here.  My Deviant ID is "Seeburglar," and if you're a member, too, I'd love to meet you!

From now on, I'll be posting a good chunk of my artwork to my deviantArt gallery instead of my blog.  Featured pieces will still be posted here, but all of my fan pieces (and plenty of Bannock characters) will primarily live there.  I've added the link to the side bar and invite you to please check out my Deviant account anytime you'd like.  :)

I'm excited to have all of my art under one roof and thrilled to start making new art acquaintances!  Hope to see you there! 

Note: The above logo is from Wikipedia and owned by deviantArt.

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