Wednesday, June 18, 2014

200th Blog Post

When I first logged in to write this, I was shocked to discover that I've reached 200 blog posts.  My immediate reaction was:

Seriously--didn't I just start this blog, like, last month?

I scrolled through my archives, convinced this must be some sort of wonky Blogger tabulating mistake.  But the numbers don't lie.  This officially marks my 200th post since I began this little blog in 2011.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Where does the time go?!  (If someone has an answer to that question, do clue me in so I can stop asking it!)

Upon this bi-blog-tennial discovery, my original plan to write a puny, life-update post didn't seem nearly momentous enough.  So I went in search of a way to celebrate this milestone.  Scrolling through my old blog posts launched me on a trip down memory lane, which ultimately brought me to this:

This sketch is from 2011.  I drew it about a week after starting this blog, and right before I left for my first Highlights Foundation Workshop.  It features myself surrounded by the main characters of my two novels, Ellis and Tentacles.  (I know, I've only heard a teensy bit about them during the prior 199 blog posts, right?)  This was an exciting time for me.  I was in the midst of revisions for The Beast of Bannock, and Pirate Ferret  was only five pages long.  I had just gotten back into drawing after a half-decade hiatus, and I had a shiny, new graphic tablet.  I was going to turn this sketch into my first digital piece.  I COULD NOT WAIT to get to Highlights to write and draw and be surrounded by fellow fantasy lovers.

Then I discovered my laptop crashed every time I tried to use Photoshop, and I moved this sketch to the back-burner to tackle again in the future.  (But I had one heck of an awesome time at Highlights anyway!)

Re-reading my first few months of blog posts reminded me that this drawing was still unfinished, buried somewhere on my hard drive.  So I dug it back up and felt the urge to finally finish what I started.

It's not as grand as I originally intended all those years ago, but I know I'll never have the time or inspiration to finish 2011 Kathryn's dream illustration.  Now, it's a simple tribute to the past and present; an old drawing partnered with my current painting technique, viewed with the understanding that both will improve in the future.  And that'll do, sketch.  That'll do.

Thinking about this drawing, and thinking about this 200th blog post, makes me realize two things: over time, many things have changed; but deep down, everything is still the same.   

Whether you've been here from the beginning or are just tuning in, I hope you've enjoyed reading my blog.  While I may not have the time now to post as frequently as I used to, I still love logging in and seeing all the readers I've reached.  Thank you so very much for your support over the years.  I am truly grateful that you've stuck with me though 200 posts, especially when I write such oddities as #137.  (Yeah, what was I thinking with that one?)  My promise in post #1 was to, " my best to inspire, enlighten and amuse you."  I hope I've achieved just that.

Now, onward to another 200 posts!

Always yours,
Kathryn Powers

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